August 19, 2013 — When partners load the bases to pinch hit for lightning awareness outreach, safety scores a home run! This is what happened when partners from nonprofit organizations across the country came together in Boston to promote the 2013 Lightning Safety Awareness Week campaign.
Historically speaking, the months of June, July and August are the deadliest months for lightning in the U.S. Summer months typically mean long hot days with humid conditions for most regions in the U.S. and humidity translates to perfect conditions for lightning. And since leisure activities are in full force during June, July and August, it’s no coincidence that the majority of lightning deaths occur while victims are participating in these outdoor activities.
But, just how to get the public’s attention to heed lightning safety during leisure time, has remained a challenge. So, on June 28, 2013 the National Weather Service (NWS) decided it was time to take lightning safety to the ball game–and passionate lightning safety advocates wearing yellow lightning bolt visors were sent to help with the pitching!
In a game plan to bring lightning safety to FenwayPark, the NWS forecast office in Taunton, MA organized a LSA Week promotion with the Red Sox’s Community Home-Stand Program. Meteorologist, Eleanor Vallier-Talbot, jumped at the opportunity to pitch lightning safety at FenwayPark and arranged for a NWS lightning safety booth at the June 28, Red Sox-Blue Jays game during Lightning Safety Awareness Week.
NWS Lightning Safety Awareness Team lead, Donna Franklin coordinated booth materials with Vallier-Talbot to make sure the display was both attention-getting and educational. Red Sox fans were introduced to a variety of LSA week messages, including the “Safer Design for Safer Play” campaign which promotes lightning safety and protection measures for recreational venues. LPI and the Lightning Safety Alliance donated Leon the Lightning Lion posters, safety materials and yellow lightning bolt visors for the fans. The “When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors” foam visors scored a major hit with Red Sox fans, young and old.
The most exciting moment in the “Play it Safe” outreach at Fenway came in the middle of the fifth inning, when the pre-arranged lightning safety message appeared on the center field New Balance scoreboard. “June 23-30 is National Lightning Safety Awareness Week, Play it Safe!” flashed across the Fenway board for all to see. Although the PSA only appeared for a brief moment in the game, it felt like a homerun to the LSA team partners who had thrown their last pitch of the night for lightning safety awareness!
Oh, and by the way, the Red Sox beat the Blue Jays 7-5; which was pretty sweet, too!