LPI-IP continues to evolve as the benchmark for independent third-party lightning protection system inspection and certification. To what extent we fulfill our potential is determined in large measure by the extent to which you utilize our programs.
Using LPI’s programs and support impacts your fulfillment of your own business potential. Motivations to utilize LPI-IP should be many. In an industry on the cusp of explosive growth, more and more, “knowledgeable” customers are demanding third-party inspected and certified systems. More customers are becoming “knowledgeable.” Surprised? You shouldn’t be.
This is to your benefit. As a member of the Lightning Protection Institute (you are a member, right?) you already hold yourself to a higher standard. There is no better way to further separate your company and the systems you design and install than with third-party inspection and certification of your projects. Demand this final stamp of approval and your customers
will, too.