Q&A with Adam Smith, Master Installer Designer at Atlanta Lightning Protection
LPI: What do you feel are the key factors to consider in a re-roofing project with lightning protection systems?
Adam: 1. Utilize CERTIFIED lightning protection contractors.
2. Have the system INSPECTED and re-certified
3. Outline and conduct a yearly MAINTENANCE program to ensure the integrity of the system.
Atlanta Lightning Protection has been in business for over 20 years, serving homes, businesses, and other facilities with lightning protection and surge suppression solutions. They have worked from Tuscaloosa, Alabama to Savannah, Georgia, serving homeowners, general contractors, facility managers, and architects.
The Savannah Convention Center is one of their latest “re-roofing” projects. Check out their entire scope of work – including maintenance on existing lightning protection systems.
Image source: https://www.savconventioncenter.com
Atlanta Lightning Protection
Website: https://atlantalightning.com
Phone: (404) 794-7500